The Pennsylvania Lawyer, May/June 2002
USLAW magazine , Spring/Summer 2010
Construction Executive magazine, 04.2010
New Jersey Law Journal, April 23, 2007
Construction EXECUTIVE magazine, 04.2010
New Jersey Law Journal, April 13, 2009
New Jersey Law Journal, 04.12.2010
Trusts & Estates, 03.2010
The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, March 2002
The New York Law Journal, March 4, 2002
Construction Executive magazine, 02.2010
The New York Law Journal, February 22, 2005
New Jersey Law Journal, 01.25.2010
New Jersey Business magazine, 12.2009
New Jersey Lawyer Magazine, 12.2009
New Jersey Business, 11.2009
USLAW, Fall/Winter 2009
Construction Today, 09.2009
New Jersey Law Journal, 08.31.2009
Real Estate Weekly, 08.2009
New Jersey Construction Law chapter of the USLAW Network
Real Estate New Jersey , 06.2009
New Jersey Business magazine, 05.2009
Mealey’s Litigation Report: Insurance, Vol 23, No. 22 , 04.09.2009
New Jersey State Bar Association, Construction Law Section, Volume 13, No. 2, 03.2009
New Jersey Law Journal, 12.05.2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 11.24.2008
USLAW magazine, Fall/Winter 2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 11.10.2008
New Jersey Business, 11.2008
NJBIZ magazine, 10.24.2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 10.21.2008
NJBIZ, 09.30.2008
Spring/Summer 2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 08.03.2008
Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, 08.2008
New Jersey Constructor magazine , 2008
New Jersey Constructor magazine , 2008
New Jersey Business magazine, 2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 05.18.2008
New Jersey Law Journal, 04.14.2008
Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ), 04.2008
Asbury Park Press, 02.2008
Aspatore, 11.2007
Aspatore, 2007