Coakley Featured in Asbury Park Press Article on DEP Legislation and Marina Owners

Asbury Park Press
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ROSELAND, N.J./February 8, 2008 -- Kevin J. Coakley, Managing Partner of Connell Foley, was featured in the January 29th edition of the Asbury Park Press in an article entitled, “Is it ‘Leverage’ or ‘Extortion?” Mr. Coakley commented on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s long-standing determination to expand public access to natural waterways, but pointed out that application of that principle to commercial working waterfront locations, such as marinas, is somewhat of a newer and potentially litigation-provoking phenomenon.

Mr. Coakley is a member of the firm’s Real Estate and Land Use and Environmental Law practice groups. For more information please call 973-535-0500 or email


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