Randall Quoted in Inside Business Article “Under Constant Cyber Attack, Businesses Have Defense Options”

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Karen Painter Randall, chair of Connell Foley's Cyber Security and Data Privacy Group, was quoted in Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Inside Business March 2017 Newsletter, which was distributed in The Star-Ledger. In the cover article “Under Constant Cyber Attack, Businesses Have Defense Options,”  Ms. Randall discusses how cyberattacks can happen even with the best security in place. She explains, “With new strains of ransomware developing every day … even the best security measures may not prevent an attack.” She added, “It only takes one distracted end-user to click or visit a malicious site. Employees are the weakest link in network security. Having a rapid response plan in place to quickly respond to an attack will determine the success of recovery. If well prepared, the business will be able to restore or decrypt and avoid paying ransom to the cyber thief.”

Click here to read the Inside Business’ full article on Cyber Attacks

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