Antonian Presents at BCONE Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop

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Agnes Antonian, chair of Connell Foley's Environmental Law Group, is a moderator at the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE)’s Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop. This full-day event will be held on May 25, 2017 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New Jersey. The conference brings together experts and attendees to discuss the most current and state-of-the-art approaches and strategies on the issues of sustainability, collaboration and leverage, contamination, resiliency, brownfields and technology, and their impact on community revitalization.

Ms. Antonian will moderate a panel titled “Multiparty Remediation Models: From Collaborative to Contentious," which will feature guest panelists Roger Hathaway of GEI, John Morris of Honeywell and Douglas Reid-Green of BASF. Multi-party remediations along waterways are common in the Northeast. This panel will be a casual conversation of an assortment of models used nationally--from collaborative to contentious--from professionals who have been in the mix and experienced all versions of public/private efforts. They will discuss efforts in Virginia and the Great Lakes Region, in addition to the ongoing Northeast experiences that are constantly in the news. Our panelists will share their impressions of what works and why. They will also discuss various models and regulatory approaches for addressing large scale sediment sites, which are receiving increasing regulatory scrutiny and pose unique and challenging issues due to their complex technical, political, historic and cost issues.

For more information or to register, please click to visit BCONE's website.

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