Connell Foley LLP is proud to announce that partners Brian Steller, Andrew Sayles and Stephen Turano have been renewed as chapter officers by the prestigious Brennan Vanderbilt Inn of Court. Brian, an original member of the Brennan Inn since 1989, has been renewed as President, Andrew as Program Director and Stephen as Co-Program Chair.
Inspired by the traditional English Inns of Court, the American Inns of Court (AIC) were conceived in the late 1970s through the efforts of Chief Justice of the United States Warren Burger. According to the AIC website, the Inns are “an association of lawyers, judges and other legal professionals from all levels and backgrounds who share a passion for professional excellence. Through regular meetings, members are able to build and strengthen professional relationships; discuss fundamental concerns about professionalism and pressing legal issues of the day; share experiences and advice; exhort the utmost passion and dedication for the law; provide mentoring opportunities; and advance the highest levels of integrity, ethics and civility.”
The Inn “Masters and Barristers” now look to open its doors to a new class of practicing attorneys (“pupils”) wanting to learn and improve their litigation and trial skills. If you are interested in joining the Inn, please contact Brian Steller or Andrew Sayles. The Brennan-Vanderbilt Inn of Court, New Jersey’s oldest Inn, will begin its next two-year session in late September 2022. The Inn’s focus remains a trial/litigation skills program meeting once a month for 18 months (no sessions in July or August).
The monthly meetings will be held at Café 56 Livingston Ave, Roseland. CLE credits are obtained for each program which will include demonstrations by the Masters on various elements of a Civil Case and Trial preparation and pupil demonstrations followed by critiques. At the conclusion of the monthly meeting/program, all members of the Inn enjoy a dinner during which thoughts and ideas are shared and discussed.
The American Inn of Court movement has grown faster than any other organization of legal professionals. Today there are nearly 400 chartered American Inns of Court in 48 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Tokyo. There are more than 30,000 active members nationwide encompassing a wide cross-section of the legal community, including federal and state judges, lawyers, law professors and law students.
Click here to learn more about the monthly Brennan-Vanderbilt Inn of Court meetings.