Tony Vitiello Presents at Connecticut High Net Worth Conference

Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT
(June 2019)
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Tony Vitiello, Chair of Connell Foley's Taxation and Estate Planning Group, presents on two panels at The Connecticut High Net Worth Conference: Wealth Preservation & Business Planning Forum. The conference, held on June 7, 2019 at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT, reviewed the current economic and financial landscape, the opportunities and pitfalls for practitioners, and what practitioners and clients need to consider when doing their client’s tax, estate and business planning. 

In his first panel, Tony participated in a discussion of “The Impact of the 2017 Tax Act on Tax & Estate Planning.” This panel reviewed the relevant changes to income and estate tax rules, and looked at the effects of these changes on lifetime and testamentary planning.

Next, Tony was a panelist for the presentation on “Selecting a Domicile for the Family Trust,” which examined why a client should consider establishing trusts in jurisdictions other than those in which the Grantor resides, and what factors they and their practitioners should consider when “jurisdiction shopping.”  

Click here for more information on this event. 

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