Neil Mody Presents on Claims Handling, Issues Between Primary and Excess Carriers

Miami, FL
March 30 - April 1, 2023
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Neil Mody, a partner in Connell Foley’s Insurance Coverage Group, will present “Playing Nicely in the Sandbox – Issues Between Primary and Excess Carriers” at the Spring 2023 USLAW Network Client Conference, April 1, 2023, in Miami Beach, FL.

During this three-day conference, Neil and co-presenters Eliot M. Harris (Williams Kastner) and Daniel M. Karp (Smith & Sharp, L.L.P.) will present on April 1, Track II (Insurance Law) and discuss a variety of issues that can arise in the communications between primary and excess carrier relationships, including:

  • Sharing documents regarding the defense and coverage
  • How to best handle disagreements regarding defense, and coverage strategy
  • Evaluating and responding to settlement demands and exposure for trial
  • Privilege as to communications between primary and excess carriers

Please visit the USLAW Network website to learn more about this event.

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