CLE Program: Legal Malpractice: What Every New Jersey Practicing Attorney Needs to Know

Connell Foley LLP - Roseland Office
05.01.2018 | 6:00 pm
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Craig Demareski, partner in Connell Foley’s Professional Liability Group, will present a CLE program titled “Legal Malpractice: What Every New Jersey Practicing Attorney Needs to Know” on May 1, 2018. The 60-minute seminar will be held beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Connell Foley’s Roseland office.

This program will provide practicing New Jersey attorneys with the basics of legal malpractice and professional negligence claims, including the elements of such claims, proofs, and defenses, as well as an overview of issues specific to such claims in New Jersey, including the Affidavit of Merit, Saffer fee shifting and the Entire Controversy Doctrine.  As part of that overview, the program will also look at some of the distinctions between legal malpractice claims in New Jersey and in New York.  The program will also address the Rules of Professional Conduct and common violations that may give rise to legal malpractice claims, as well as briefly touching on the Office of Attorney Ethics and issues of attorney discipline.  Finally, the program will discuss pitfalls to avoid and the common causes, mistakes and errors that lead to legal malpractice claims.  

CLE Credits:      

  • New Jersey CLE 1.2 Ethics/Professionalism
  • New York CLE (Reciprocal) 1 Ethics/Professionalism – Transitional
    • This course is intended for Experienced Attorneys and Newly Admitted Attorneys.
  • Pennsylvania CLE 1 Ethics

Please email Aimee Sachs at to register for this event.

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