Anthony Vitiello Presents on Estate and Gift Tax Planning Techniques

AICPA & CIMA, Las Vegas, NV
(June 2023) | 4:30 to 5:45 PM (EDT)
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Anthony Vitiello, Chair of Connell Foley's Taxation and Estate Planning Group, is presenting "Planning for a Surviving Spouse" for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) on June 8, 2023.

Tony will analyze the most common estate and gift tax planning techniques for the surviving spouse, such as marital deduction planning, gifting to spousal lifetime access trusts, lifetime QTIP trusts, the efficacy of portability, and similar planning. He will also discuss more creative planning techniques and other issues that modern couples may confront.

*1.5 CPE credits available.

*This is a hybrid event.

Please visit the AICPA website to learn more.

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