Anthony Vitiello Presents at the 2022 IRS Representation Conference

Green & Sklarz Foundation Trust, Virtual & In-Person
(November 2022)
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Vitiello-IRS Representation

Anthony Vitiello, Chair of Connell Foley's Taxation and Estate Planning Group, is presenting "Estate & Gift Update Part 1: IRS Challenges to Your Client’s Best-Laid Plans" at the 2022 IRS Representation Conference on Friday, November 18, 2022. The Conference features panels with private practitioners and government employees from the Internal Revenue Service and Department of Justice Tax Division who will provide practical information for representing clients before the IRS.

Tony’s panel will discuss issues surrounding the most popular estate planning techniques – SLATs, GRATs, IDGTs and ILITs – that, when set up and managed correctly, can save millions of dollars in estate taxes, and transfer family businesses and wealth to the next generation. Tony will be joined in this discussion by moderator Lawrence A. Sannicandro (McCarter & English, LLP) and co-presenters Kristin M. Lynn (Green & Sklarz LLC) and Barry Fishman, CPA (Marcum LLP).

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