As a result of the business disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are new important updates regarding New Jersey liquor license law.
All municipally-issued liquor licenses for the 2019-2020 license term expire on June 30, 2020, unless renewed by the municipal issuing authority. In order for a license to be renewed by the municipal issuing authority, the licensee must file a renewal application, pay the required State fee, pay the required municipal fee, obtain an Alcoholic Beverage Retail License Certificate for Renewal (e.g., a tax clearance certificate) from the NJ Division of Taxation and be renewed by municipal resolution by June 30, 2020, to operate on July 1, 2020 for the 2020-2021 license term.
Similarly, State- issued liquor licenses and permits expire on June 30, 2020, unless renewed by the State Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (State ABC).
Due to COVID-19, the State ABC has determined that many licensees may not be able to renew their licenses by June 30, 2020.
As such, the Acting Director has issued an Order ( click here to review a copy of the Order ) extending the 2019-2020 license term for all municipally-issued licenses and State-issued licenses and permits that expire on June 30, 2020 until Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
This means that a holder of municipally-issued licenses and State-issued licenses and permits can operate their license without renewing it until Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
Pursuant to the Order, to renew a municipally-issued license for the term that will now commence on October 1, 2020, the licensee must:
- file a renewal application with the municipal issuing authority;
- pay the State ABC filing fee;
- pay the municipal filing fee to the municipal issuing authority; and
- obtain an Alcoholic Beverage Retail License Certificate for Renewal (e.g. a tax clearance certificate) from the NJ Division of Taxation.
Holders of municipally-issued licenses should file a complete renewal application by September 1, 2020 to give the municipal issuing authority adequate time to adopt a resolution renewing the license for the 2020-2021 license term. If the license is not renewed by municipal resolution on or before September 30, 2020, the licensee must stop selling and/or serving alcoholic beverages.
Pursuant to the Order, to renew a State-issued license or permit for the term that will now commence on October 1, 2020, the licensee must:
- file a renewal application with the State ABC;
- pay the State filing fee(s); and
- satisfy any other applicable renewal requirements on or before September 30, 2020.
Holders of State-issued licenses and permits should file a complete renewal application prior to September 1, 2020 to give the State ABC adequate time to renew the license or permit for the 2020-2021 license term. If a State-issued license is not renewed by the State ABC by September 30, 2020, the licensee must stop selling and/or serving alcoholic beverages.
- Partner
James McCann’s practice encompasses the areas of acquisition, sale and development of real property, land use, redevelopment law, tax abatements, condominium and planned real estate development law, and alcoholic beverage ...
- Of Counsel
Melissa Lopez focuses primarily on real estate transactions, land use, redevelopment law, condominium and planned real estate development, complex commercial financing, commercial leasing and tax abatements. She also handles ...