Legal Blogs and Updates

  • Posts by Leo Hurley Jr.
    Partner and Co-Chair, Commercial Litigation

    Leo Hurley Jr. is a seasoned litigator with a proven record of success in obtaining favorable jury verdicts, as well as guiding matters to resolution and early settlement, and is routinely called upon to represent corporations and ...

New York State Courts to Accept Fillings for Only "Essential Matters"

On Sunday, March 22, New York state courts issued Administrative Order 78. The Order was issued as part of the courts’ ongoing efforts to help curtail the spread of COVID-19, and restricts the acceptance of both paper and electronic filings in all cases to only certain “essential ...

Smoldering News: Employers May Face Discrimination Charges for Terminating Workers Based on Medical Marijuana Use

As the use of medical marijuana increases, employers are facing novel questions about their rights and responsibilities related to employees who use medical cannabis. A recent decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court is providing some much-needed guidance in this rapidly evolving area of ...


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