Legal Blogs and Updates

  • Posts by Jonathan McHenry

    Jon McHenry is Co-Chair of the firm's nationally recognized Insurance Coverage Practice Group. Since joining Connell Foley LLP more than two decades ago, Jon has continually achieved groundbreaking results for the firm’s ...

Covered in this post:

  • District Court Finds Bad Faith Claim Devoid of Merit
  • New Jersey Appellate Division Refuses to Reform Policy Limits When Insured Failed to Inspect Declaration Page
  • Court Affirms that New York Does Not Recognize an Independent Tort For The Bad Faith Denial of Coverage

NEW ...

Covered in this post: 

  • New Jersey Appellate Division Rejects Bad Faith Claim When Insurer Settles Less Than All Underlying Claims for Policy Limit
  • New Jersey District Court Rejects Policyholder's Attempt to Amend Complaint to Add Bad Faith Claim
  • New Jersey Appellate Division Allows ...

Covered in this post: 

  • New Jersey Supreme Court Holds Doctrine of Res Judicata Bars Plaintiff's Subsequent Claim for Bad Faith
  • Supreme Court Finds No Bad Faith When Relying Upon Unpublished Appellate Division Decision and Plain Reading of Policy Language
  • Federal Court Remands Insurance ...

Covered in this post:

  • District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Insurer's Declaratory Judgment Action
  • Bad Faith Component of Suit Severed from Underlying Coverage Dispute
  • Court of Appeals Declines to Interpret Exception to Exclusion as Providing Coverage Under Homeowner's Policy for Loss ...

Covered in this post: 

  • Court Grants Summary Judgment in Favor of Insurer Based on Policyholder's Unexcused Delay in Providing Notice
  • New York Trial Court Finds Coverage But Denies Bids for Attorney's Fees and Finding of Insurer Bad Faith
  • District Court Finds No Bad Faith Where Question of ...

Covered in this post:

  • Appellate Division Finds Two of Four Named Insured Endorsements Obviate Coverage
  • Appellate Division Finds No Coverage under Fungus Exclusions
  • Appellate Division Remands to Allow Participation of Necessary Party in Subrogation Dispute

Covered in this post:

  • True Excess Policy Takes Priority of Coverage Over Primary Liability Policy Containing Excess Other Insurance Clause
  • District Court Untangles Six-Way Priority of Coverage Dispute Arising from Multi-Million Underlying Personal Injury Settlement
  • Court Finds ...

Covered in this post:

  • New Jersey Appellate Division Touches Upon Various Issues Regarding Allocation and Exhaustion in a Long-Tail Environmental Claim
  • New Jersey District Court Dismisses Counts from Insureds' Hurricane Sandy Coverage Suit
  • New Jersey Appellate Division Finds No ...


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