Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its guidance to read that individuals who are fully vaccinated can “resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.”
New Jersey is still bound by Governor Murphy's Executive Orders, which generally require individuals to wear face coverings in indoor spaces that are accessible to the public and in outdoor public spaces when it is not practicable to socially distance and keep a six-foot distance from others. Importantly, even though the CDC changed its guidance, it still defers to workplace policies: if you are fully vaccinated, you need to “follow guidance at your workplace and local businesses.”
Employers are urged to have a mask policy in place.
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Lauren Iannaccone’s broad range of experience in complex commercial transactions allows her to respond to significant emergent matters and assist clients efficiently and effectively. Lauren’s litigation experience ...