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Posts from May 2024.

Agnes Antonian, Chair of Connell Foley LLP’s Environmental Law Group, and Anthony LoPresti, an associate with the group, have published an article in the May 2024 issue of Commerce magazine, a publication of the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (the “CIANJ”).

Titled ...

The Supreme Court of New Jersey just issued an opinion holding that the New Jersey Wage Theft Act (“the Act”)—which penalizes employers for knowingly failing to pay compensation—may only be applied to conduct that occurred on or after August 6, 2019, the Act’s effective date.

The ...

As discussed in a prior alert, New Jersey employers are subject to a three-factor test, known as the ABC test, that generally classifies most workers as employees, rather than as independent contractors. On May 13, 2024, the Supreme Court of New Jersey issued an opinion clarifying that the ABC ...

Reforms contained in a forthcoming rule proposal to modernize land resource protection rules will significantly impact land use developments throughout New Jersey, making the Garden State’s permit acquisition process even more challenging and difficult to navigate than it is now.

The ...

Two recent US Supreme Court cases have made it easier for some workers to avoid having to arbitrate disputes with their employers.

The Federal Arbitration Act allows employers of most workers to require arbitration of disputes between employers and workers. However, the FAA does not ...

USCIS Completes FY2025 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Selection Process and Reports Decrease in Attempts to Game the System

On Monday, April 1, 2024, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced it had already received enough electronic registrations for unique ...


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