Legal Blogs and Updates

Posts from March 2018.
How Will the New Tax Law Affect You?

While most of the new tax law – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – has to do with reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, some provisions relate to individual taxpayers. Before we get into the details, be aware that almost everything listed below sunsets after 2025, with the tax ...

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UPDATED: Opportunity Zones Offer Tax Incentives for Investment in Low-Income Communities

UPDATE to the original post below:

On March 22, 2018, Governor Murphy announced his nominations for the Opportunity Zone program. In total, seventy five municipalities contain nominated tracts. The list is geographically diverse, with at least one municipality from each county in the ...

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Discharged Student Loan Debt No Longer Taxable Under New Tax Law

Among its many provisions, the newly enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act offers significant tax savings for people forced to default on their student loan debt due to a disability.

Generally, it is almost impossible to have student loan debt forgiven. It is not even dischargeable in bankruptcy. In ...

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New Law Mandates Creation of a National Plan to Support Caregivers

On January 22, 2018, President Trump signed a new bill into law aimed at addressing the challenges that the nation’s millions of family caregivers face.

“Family caregivers are the backbone of our care system in America,” said Nancy A. LeaMond, chief advocacy and engagement officer for ...

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Medicaid Recipients Can Keep More of an Award Thanks to Recent Budget Deal

Awards or settlements for personal injury often cover not just medical expenses, but also lost wages, pain and suffering, and permanent disability. Individuals injured due to medical malpractice or because of another person's negligence have been able to receive care through their ...

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